Quick Red Pepper Sauce.

Disclaimer: I have a mild case of IC. I may be able to have something that you can’t and cook these recipes based off of my specific diet. I have trigger food that I stay away from completely (Mexican food, tomatoes, and a majority of fruits). If you are struggling to find substitutes don’t hesitate to comment. I love to cook and am familiar with what tastes well with what. I want to help and come along side you to find a good IC friendly solution for you and your lifestyle.

Okay so when I was first diagnosed with IC I kind of freaked out because I knew that one of my triggers for a flare-up were tomatoes. I have an Italian grandpa who makes pasta sauce that is to. die. for. and I couldn’t have it anymore. Since I am now out of the constant flare I was in for a year or so I do have some of my grandpa’s sauce every Christmas. But the other 11 months out of the year I stay completely away from tomatoes.

So along the way I have come up with 5 different pasta sauces that do not include tomatoes. Yes I said 5! So my first theme for this next little bit on the blog is going to be IC friendly Italian recipes. Most of them are so simple and typically take an average of 30 minutes to make. I know a lot of times when you think food restrictions you think ‘I don’t have the time to make something special and different’. A goal for a lot of my recipes is for them to be quick. If I have to be in the kitchen for an hour cooking, forget it.

Quick Red Pepper Sauce

What you need: (all of these ingredients are bladder friendly)

  • 1 Large red bell pepper cut, de-seeded and blended
  • 1/4-1/2 of a yellow onion finely chopped
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 1/4-1/2 of heavy cream
  • Garlic salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tsp. basil
  • 1/2 tsp. parsley
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Pasta for two
  1. In a sauce pan over medium heat melt the butter with the onions and saute until soft.
  2. Start a pot of boiling water and cook enough pasta for two during the sauce making process.
  3. Add in the flour and mix well. Cook for 3 minutes and try not to let the flour brown.
  4. Stir in the heavy cream and bring to a light bubble. You will see it start to thicken. Once it does turn the heat to low.
  5. Add in the blended red pepper and all of the seasonings. Heat all the way through.
  6. Stir in some parmesan. No more than 1/4 of a cup.
  7. Pour over your cooked pasta.

This was enough for 1 bowl each of pasta for my husband and I’s lunch. A lot of my recipes I do to taste so exact measurements are hard. Please feel free to do the same and to your liking.

Can’t have any of the ingredients above with your specific IC case? Comment below for substitutes.

Next week I’ll be sharing a white sauce recipe that is great for a vegetable lasagna.


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